Insecticide Resistance Monitoring

Dallas County Health and Human Services - 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75207
Telephone: 214-819-2000

As part of vector control program within its Environmental Health Division, DCHHS performs insecticide spraying to control mosquito breeding in order to help prevent possible outbreak of encephalitis or associated diseases. Knowledge as to the levels of insecticide resistance occurring in the local mosquito populations is essential to the planning and successful execution of the mosquito control program.

Dallas County Mosquito Control strives to detect, prevent, and mitigate mosquito-borne diseases, focusing on West Nile Virus, through the strategic utilization of routine surveillance, adult and larval mitigation operations, responding to requests for services, public educational outreach, and inter-local coordination. Dallas County Mosquito Control follows industry guidelines and performs field operations as guided by our standard operating procedures (SOPs).



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