Residential Services

Letot Center

Letot Center - 10505 Denton Drive, Dallas, TX 75220

   Letot CenterLetot Great RoomLetot Dormitory   

Letot operates an intake unit which is the first interaction the youth has with the Letot Center. In particular, the Intake unit focuses on youth identified as runaways and crisis intervention for youth and their families. The residential stay in the intake unit is not meant nor designed to be long-term. The staff at Letot works towards an amicable and mutual resolution of reuniting runaway youth with their families. Youth are released to parents with individualized treatment plans and guidance for getting support services.

The Letot Center includes a residential emergency shelter which operates 24 hours a day and can accommodate 10 boys and 24 girls who might be facing crises. The shelter provides a number of services including the provision of educational services through the Academy for Academic Excellence. Other professional services such as case management and clinical services are available to the shelter's residents. In March 2020, Letot-Shelter operations ceased due to COVID–19 restrictions. Although some services resumed late in 2020, the shelter operations have largely remained on a limited schedule.

The Assessment, Stabilization, and Advancement Program for Trafficked Youth (ASAP) is an 8-bed unit dedicated for girls that are at risk or have been trafficked or exploited. Upon entry into the program youth immediately have access to food, shelter, clothing, and medical.  Once stable, they undergo a thorough psychological assessment, receive therapy, and linked to community resources based on their needs. The overall program is supported by Trauma informed practices and interventions.  Engagement with the family is also pursued to help strengthen the dynamics in the home and increase protective factors. Most youth are in our program for up to 15 days with a possible extension in certain circumstances up to 90 days. 


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