Committee Assignments

Administrative Office - 500 Elm Street, Suite 7300, Dallas, TX 75202  |  214-653-6671
District Office - 1506 Langdon Road, Dallas, Texas 75241  |  972-225-2378

CommitteeMember/ChairAppointing Creating AuthorityPurpose
Bail Bond BoardMemberStatute allows the Judge to serve or to name a Commissioner. If neither option 1 or 2 is selected, the Court may appoint someone else.To monitor and regulate bail bond activity.
Behavioral Health Leadership TeamChairCreated by Commissioners CourtTo examine the current service delivery system and recommend changes, analyze current funding inequities and establish a plan to advocate both additional program funding and funding for the identification of best practices/system design research.
Civil Service CommissionChairStatue allows the Commissioners Court to appoint three members for a two-year term.To make and enforce rules relating to the selection and classification of employees, promotions, seniority, tenure, lay-offs, dismissals and disciplinary actions and to conduct grievance hearings.
NCTCOG Aviation Transportation Advisory CommitteeMemberNCTCOG created committee with the Commissioners Court naming County’s representative.To help develop aviation within region.
County Judges & Commissioners AssociationMemberStatewide association in which all court members may participate.To address statewide issues.
Dallas County Housing Finance CorportationVice-ChairCreated by Court OrderTo issue long-term debt for selected housing programs.
Dallas (City) Housing Acquisition and Development Corporation (DHADC)MemberCity of Dallas created committee per statue. Commissioners Court appoints County’s representative.To coordinate the sale of foreclosed property to non-profits for redevelopment.
Delinquent Tax Collection Selection CommitteeChairCreated by Commissioners CourtTo review and monitor the performance of delinquent tax collections contract.
Jail Population CommitteeChairCreated by Commissioners CourtTo review and monitor trends in jail population and develop methods to control or manage its impact.
Jail Sanitation and Maintenance CommitteeChairCreated by Commissioners CourtTo review jail conditions, identify obstacles to jail compliance and develop/monitor efforts to remove any obstacles.
Juvenile BoardVice-ChairStatue creates Board, names the County Judge as on board member and has Commissioners Court appoint another member.To oversee the operation of the Juvenile Department and carry out specific actions as allowed by statue.
Loop 9 Policy Advisory GroupMemberCommissioners Court appoints County’s representative.To help develop an alignment for Loop 9.
National Association of CountiesMemberNational Association in which all Court members can participate. County is entitle to four voting delegates; these are determined by Commissioners Court.To advance the interests of counties on a national level.
Public Health Advisory CommitteeChairCreated by Commissioners CourtTo work with Local cities on the identification of public health issues, the development of related priorities and the coordination of public health services and activities.
Tax Association of CountiesMemberStatewide association. Any Court Member may attend.To provide services and assistance to Texas Counties and county officials and to represent county interests in the legislative process.