
George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building - 600 Commerce Street, Suite 128, Dallas, TX 75202
Phone Number: 214.653.7584 • Fax Number: 214.653.7574 

Downloadable FormsFormat
Change of Address FormChange of Address Form
Blue Form V3New Account Blue Form

Direct Deposit Form

If you would like a Direct Deposit Form to be e-Mailed to you, please click this e-mail link.

You will need to put your SSN, Cause Number, Case Number, and your First and Last Name in the email. We will review your account and see which direct deposit form you need, then we will e-Mail the form to you.

All of the above forms require a copy of your social security card and photo ID to be sent in with the form in order to process your request. The Blue Form requires a court order signed by the Judge to be sent in with the form and ID.

These forms may be walked in, mailed in, or faxed in.