Public Notice: Relocation of the Probate Courts and Clerks’ Offices
The Probate Mental Illness courts will remain open during the move at its current location.
Click here to read the full notice.

Notice of Adopted Tax Rate and Budget

Notice of Adopted Tax Rate and Budget

Records Building - 500 Elm Street, Suite 5400, Dallas, TX 75202
Phone:  (214) 653-7184  |  Fax:  (214) 653-6534

Notice of Adopted TY2023 Tax Rate Increase Final Vote

The continuation of a public hearing was held and Commissioners Court considered and acted upon the proposed tax rate on September 12, 2023 at 1:00 P.M. at Dallas County Commissioners Court, Records Building, 500 Elm St., 2nd Floor Court Room, Dallas, TX 75202.

Notice of Adopted FY2024 Budget Final Vote

In compliance with Chapters 111.066, 111.067, and 111.068 of the Local Government Code, the Commissioners Court of Dallas County, Texas does hereby give notice that the continuation of a public hearing was held, and Commissioners Court acted upon the proposed FY2024 County Budget, as prepared by the County Budget Officer, on Tuesday, the 12th day of September 2023.