Programs, Services & Specialty Courts
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Programs, Services & Specialty Courts
Special Programs and Services
The Assessment Center provides our courts with quality assessments and pre-sentence investigations reports that assist the judiciary in making informed sentencing decisions while considering all viable treatment and placement options.
The Assessment Center is responsible for providing Dallas County CSCD with a standardized process and format for Pre-Sentence Investigation Report and creation of Conditions of Supervision.
We accomplish this task by employing skilled investigative interviewers who provide comprehensive PSI/Summary’s, Criminal History, Risk/Need Assessment, Diagnostic Screening and Evaluations. Conditions of Supervision are created based on all collective information and Risk/Needs outcome.
The Assessment, Treatment, and Research Services (ATRS) department is administered by the Dallas County CSCD and performs mental health and substance abuse screenings for all Felony cases upon bond release, to assess needs upfront. Where indicated, screenings are followed by substance abuse and/or psychological evaluations. Appropriate referrals for treatment are made if indicated by evaluation. ATRS provides in-house intensive outpatient programs (IOP) in English and Spanish and specialty IOP programs such as Dual Diagnosis. ATRS refers and/or contracts out to supportive outpatient programs and residential substance abuse treatment. ATRS staff also provides evaluations for jail clients and consult with courts and officers.
- Accepts indigent clients and non-indigent if the court orders a program fee
- Clients are referred by the felony courts and by community supervision officers
- Outpatient substance abuse treatment averages approximately 17 weeks
- Specific referral criteria can be obtained directly from ATRS
The Dual Diagnosis Center (DDC) is a 60 bed (30 men, 30 women) treatment facility for clients presenting with co-occurring disorders (mental health diagnosis and a substance abuse disorder). The DDC is housed at the Wilmer campus. It is a 90-day inpatient program which opened in early 2008. The DDC program also includes an Aftercare court component.
- Felony only with diagnosed drug abuse or dependence
- No title V offenses
- Major Mental Illness (Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder or Schizophrenic Spectrum Disorder)
- Court order entry only
- Not imminently suicidal or homicidal
- Males and females
- For expanded admissions criteria please contact ATRS
The HRC targets high-risk/high needs felony offenders. High-risk/high needs misdemeanor cases shall be served only on a limited and space available basis, not to exceed 20% of the offenders served on the caseload at any given time. Clients serving a period of community supervision who meet the HRC program requirements, at the option of the court, may also receive electronic monitoring while a participant in the HRC. Electronic monitoring utilizes the following equipment which includes: ankle bracelet / telephone responder units and Global Positioning System (GPS).
- Offender must reside or be employed in Dallas County
- Must have a condition of community supervision requiring participation in a cognitive behavioral program such as “Thinking for a Change, BIPP, Anger Management, etc
- Must be court ordered into High Risk Caseload as a condition of community supervision and not as a condition of bond or pre-trial bond
The Judge John C. Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center (JJCCJTC) is an inpatient treatment facility for substance abuse treatment and supportive services for community reintegration, run by the Dallas County CSCD located in Wilmer, Texas. The JJCCJTC facility houses several different treatment tracks. Another track at the facility is the Pre-DDC track. This is for female clients awaiting entry to the Dual Diagnosis Center (DDC).
- Felony only with diagnosed drug dependence
- No title V offenses, no severe medical or mental health problems (except for the Dual Diagnosis Center and Pre-DDC track)
- Court order entry only
- Males and females
- For expanded admissions criteria please contact ATRS
PREA Statement | ![]() |
Audit Final Report SATF | ![]() |
Audit Final Report DDRTC | ![]() |
The Mental Illness caseload program specializes in providing supervision to offenders with severe mental illness and is partially grant-funded. These specially trained community supervision officers are sensitive to the limitations of offenders with severe mental illness and are experienced in accessing community resources. Through ongoing training on the management and treatment of mental health disorders, these officers encourage and direct offenders to adhere to prescribed treatment, participate in case management, and to utilize community resources to foster self-reliance and community success. These officers are located at the various satellite offices across Dallas County and support our mental health diversion courts.
Program Service components:
Eligibility for grant-funded caseloads determined via ATRS assessments based on diagnosis, functional impairment, and criminogenic risk.
- Priority given to high-risk felons with diagnoses of Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder
- Provides a continuum of supervision based on stabilization and actuarial risk
- Provides for coordination of services with treatment providers including Intensive Case Management services through the Special Needs Offenders Program (SNOP)
- The program does not generally accept sex offenders. These clients will be seen by the sex offender treatment unit.
- Please contact ATRS for further information on this specialized service.
Motivational interviewing is a client-centered, directive method for enhancing intrinsic motivation to change by exploring and resolving ambivalence. All community supervision officers are trained in Motivational Interviewing and it is the primary tool used for CSOs supervising high risk caseloads.
The SAFPF Unit provides specialized supervision to graduates of the TDCJ - Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facilities the first year after their release from the facility.
- Felony only from SAFPF inpatient facilities
- Excludes offenders convicted of Section 21.11, 22.01 or 22.02 offenses
- Court ordered participation only
- All offenders are supervised at a maximum risk level designation
- Selected offenders participate in SAFPF Re-Entry Courts
- Please contact the SAFPF program for additional referral criteria
The Sex Offender Unit targets high-risk/high-needs sex offenders serving a period of community supervision in Dallas County. Specially trained community supervision officer’s work collaboratively with appropriate agencies and community service providers in the supervision of these clients.
- Client participation in the Sex Offender Unit must be court ordered and is limited to offenders who meet the definition of a sex offender as defined in TDCJ-CJAD standards
- The Sex Offender Unit incorporates a substance abuse treatment referral component for those offenders who abuse alcohol or drugs as well as a cognitive behavioral component for each offender that includes an evaluation of the offender upon entering the program and an evaluation upon exiting the program
- Community Supervision Officers in the unit work closely with local police departments to ensure the safety of the community
- Clients are supervised in the Sex Offender Unit until such time as they no longer represent a serious risk to the community
The field work officer (FWO) is a community supervision officer charged with the responsibility for making home and employment visits on high risk clients in accordance with CSCD and CJAD requirements. The FWO helps insure compliance with the conditions of community supervision and reports any supervision violation that may be observed during the performance of field work duties. The substance of each contact must be timely documented in the case narrative and reported on the daily work sheet in an accurate and coherent manner.
- All clients are seen based on the “risk” they pose to the community.
- In order to provide the surveillance necessary for the protection of the community and to comply with CSCD requirements, the FWO must often work weekends, nights and early mornings.
- The FWO is assigned a CSCD fleet vehicle for conducting fieldwork.
- The FWO must communicate effectively in a verbal and written manner, provide help or case coverage to other fieldwork officers when needed, and prepare monthly statistical data as required.
- The FWO works collaboratively with the casework officer in the supervision of maximum risk clients.
The Court Services Unit is comprised of Seventeen (17) Felony Courts, and Thirteen (13) Misdemeanor Courts
The Dallas County CSCD Court Services Unit provides evidence based practices in all aspects of court management in an effort to encourage positive behavioral change in offenders while maintaining public safety and promoting victim advocacy.
Service Delivery Components:
- Providing significant information to the courts to assist the judges with sentencing decision, the issuance of arrest warrants and other judicial actions;
- Collaborative partnership with the community to provide research based prevention and intervention services;
- Assessing offenders risk/needs in order to help guide decisions regarding treatment services and appropriate level of supervision;
- Managing offender risk by enforcing court orders while providing opportunities for positive behavioral change within our communities;
- Facilitating victim involvement and restorative justice services
Specialty and Problem Solving Courts Overview
Dallas County Specialty Courts is committed to protecting society, serving victims and the community and facilitating positive change in offender behavior through the use of evidence-based intervention strategies.
The Dallas County CSCD provides for technical assistance and other resources to the following Specialty and Problem Solving Courts. These courts adhere strongly to the federally supported drug court model.
Dallas County CSCD Community Supervision Officers (CSOs) work with participants to make sure the conditions of probation and treatment recommendations are understood and adhered to, thus increasing public safety. The CSOs work under the direct supervision of the court and provide the court with information and recommendations through various means, often in court staffing. When sanctions or revocations are part of the docket, the CSO may be required to testify or give input to the Judge, but the Judge makes all final decisions.
Treatment providers work with the participants through intensive outpatient groups, supportive outpatient groups, and individual meetings. The treatment providers will use treatment strategies and curriculums that include a cognitive behavioral component. Treatment providers are vetted by Dallas County CSCD and are required to comply with all state and federal regulations. Treatment providers (contracted or in-house) may provide information and feedback to the court during court staffing, meetings or other hearings.
A successful exit from the court culminates in graduation ceremony, held periodically throughout the year. Graduates and staff celebrate the successful completion of Specialty Courts.
Specilty Courts' programming includes judicial intervention, CSCD supervision, rehabilitative services, treatment plans and additional therapeutic support to include:
- Judicial and (court) treatment team monitoring and intervention;
- Continued delivery of case management services to coordinate treatment plan implementation;
- Quality substance/mental health/domestic violence/anger management and psychological services that may include cognitive skills, life skills, and relapse prevention components;
- Family intervention and counseling, are recommended;
- A network of support from those involved in the process encouraging successful completion of treatment objectives; and
- Instilling the belief and rewarding successful completion provides a crime and drug-free lifestyle leading to productive citizenship.
Felony Specialty and Problem Solving Courts
Judge: Brandon Birmingham
Date Started: January 2016
Length of Participation: 9 - 18 months
Target Goals/Participation: Provide effective treatment for non-violent Felony offenders who qualify for diversion, and thus need support in many areas, including but not limited to mental and physical health, employment/education, life skills, and/or substance abuse,
Eligibility Requirements:
- Have an un-adjudicated (pre-plea) non-violent felony charge
- No prior felony history, including felony conviction, regular probation, deferred adjudication, or pre-diversion program
- Be 17-24 years old
- Want to make a change in their life
Referral Source: An eligible defendant may enter the AIM Court Program upon approval by the Dallas County District Attorney's Office and the AIM Court Staff
Treatment and Intervention: District Attorney Licensed Program Clinician, IPS
Benefits of Participation:
- Quality outpatient substance abuse counseling services that include cognitive skills, life skills and relapse prevention information, for those offenders struggling with substance abuse.
- A network of pro-social, educated/employed, crime and drug free peers and role models, to include support groups and a network of successful program graduates.
- Instilling the belief that successful completion provides a crime and drug-free lifestyle leading to productive citizenship.
- Upon successful completion from the program, your criminal charges will be dismissed and expunged from your record.
Average Caseload: 30 participants
Judge: Raquel 'Rocky' Jones
Date Started: January 1, 2006
Length of Participation: 12 months
Target Goals/Participation: Assist the participant in co-existing with their mental health condition and reconnect with their Mental Health Provider. Participants are supervised by Specialty Court Officers who will assist in providing referrals to community mental health vendors and medication compliance.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must have a current Felony Court (Pre-Post sentence) case.
- Must be recommended by the court.
- Post-sentence must be in revocation status or in court with a violation.
- Must be referred by ATRS and have an Axis I mental illness diagnosis.
- Clients must be Northstar eligible.
- Clients must be referred by ATRS.
Referral Source: All Felony Courts
Treatment and Intervention: Metrocare
Benefits of Participation:
- Supervised by specialty court officers who will assist in providing referrals to community mental heath vendors.
- Clients are held accountable and client's mental health status is monitored, including their medication compliance.
Average Caseload: Not to exceed 35 participants
Judge: Jennifer Bennett
Date Started: May 1, 2008
Length of Participation: 6 - 18 months
Target Goals/Participation: Integrate therapeutic judicial oversight, specialized treatment and multidisciplinary case management to high risk-high needs persons placed on felony probation and who have been diagnosed with a co-occurring disorder. Participants learn tools on how to live with a co-occurring diagnosis, they will have contact with a mental health provider to become stabilized on medications, and they will attend and complete counseling for substance abuse.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be placed on Felony Probation (deferred or regular).
- Clients who meet the criteria for Dual Diagnosis, must be referred by ATRS.
- Court ordered
- No title 5 offense
- No hold from any other Jurisdiction
- Pending felony charges may disqualify the probationer.
Referral Source: Probationers that complete the DDC program at the Judge John C. Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center.
Treatment and Intervention: IPS and Metrocare
Benefits of Participation:
- Clients learn tools on how to live with a co-occurring diagnosis.
- Clients will have contact with a mental health provider.
- Clients become stabilized on medications, and attend and complete counseling for substance abuse.
Average Caseload: 30 participants not to exceed 60
Judge: Hector Garza
Date Started: January 6, 1998
Length of Participation: 12 - 18 months
Target Goals/Participation: Provide an integrated program of drug treatment, substance abuse education, and rehabilitation services through early screening, assessment court intervention and effective case management.
Elgibility Requirements:
- Clients must be assessed and diagnosed with a substance abuse problem that requires treatment. Treatment may include inpatient or outpatient treatment.
- Non-violent first felony arrest.
- First time Felony drug offender with no prior felony criminal history.
Referral Source: Assistant District Attorney's office or private attorney.
Treatment and Intervention: CSCD Assessment Treatment & Research Services (ATRS) and the Judge John C. Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center.
Benefits for Participation:
- All cases are Pre-adjudicated once they successfully complete program the case is dismissed.
- Clients are introduced to treatment.
Average Caseload: 40 participants
Judge: Brandon Birmingham
Date Started: January 14, 2014
Length of Participation: 9 - 16 months
Target Goals/Participation: To institute procedures that promotes victim safety, offender accountability and promotes healthy pro-social interpersonal problem solving. Participants will work toward development of empathy; understand their patterns of violence and will be offered the opportunity to learn health, pro-social interpersonal skills.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Felony Criminal cases and significant lethality risk pertaining to violence as indicated for the forensic domestic violence risk evaluation.
Referral Source: Clients are recommended for the program through ATRS or court officers from the other felony courts. Cases are staffed with the Judge and other court team members for acceptance into the program.
Treatment and Intervention: ATRS and the Judge John C. Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center
Benefits for Participation:
- Clients commit to the elimination of abusive behavior in their life.
- Clients work toward the development of empathy.
- Clients are able to identify and understand, inter personal patterns of violence.
- Clients will be offered the opportunity to learn healthy and pro-social interpersonal skills. Court fees are waived upon successful completion of the program.
Average Caseload: 40 participants
Judge: Tracy Holmes
Date Started: July 7, 2008
Length of Participation: 15 - 21 months
Target Goals/Participation: Promote public safety by reducing DWI related offenses, accidents, and potential deaths due to drinking while driving. Participants receive needed substance abuse treatment, learn to deal with issues within life sober, and will obtain supportive peers through working with a 12 step recovery program.
Eligibility Requirements: Felony DWI 3rd or up to 7 DWI arrests.
- Alcohol dependence
- Chronic Pattern of Abuse
- Potential Poly Substance Abuse
Referral Source: Participants in the court are probated in the 363rd Judicial District Court. Assistant District Attorneys determine who qualify for the program.
Treatment and Intervention: First Step Counseling and ATRS
Benefits of Participation:
- Clients get needed substance abuse treatment
- Clients learn to deal with issues within life sober
- Clients will obtain supportive peers through working with a 12 step recovery program
Average Caseload: 30 participants
Judge: Ernest White
Date Started: September 1, 2007
Length of Participation: 6 - 18 months
Target Goals/Participation: Assist offender in becoming pro-social and productive members of society. Develop tools and skills to correct criminal thinking errors.
Eligibility Requirements: Be under CSCD supervision, and have consistent technical violations..
Referral Source: Felony Courts
Treatment and Intervention: IPS
Benefits of Participation:
- Obtain tools and skills to help correct criminal thinking errors.
- Possible successful or early release from probation.
Average Caseload: 35 participants
Judge: Robert Francis
Date Started: March 2009
Length of Participation: 12 months
Target Goals/Participation: This is a re-entry Drug Court which focuses on abstinence from drugs and alcohol after release of six months residential treatment from one of the TDCJ's Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facilities.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must have completed one of the state of TEXAS SAFPF lockdown facilities.
Referral Source: SAFPF Units
Treatment and Intervention: Metrocare and ATRS
Benefits of Participation:
- Intensive Supervision
- Attending and completing counseling
- Obtaining housing after SAFPF release to ensure stabilization in the program and recovery.
Average Caseload: 35 - 40 participants
Judge: Kristin Wade
Date Started: November 17, 2015
Length of Participation: 9 months
Target Goals/Participation: Ensure that individuals with both criminal justice charges and qualifying mental health diagnosis are identified, assessed, and receive the support needed to lead meaningful and satisfying lives.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Client must be an adult arrested in Dallas County with a Mental Health issue.
- Client must choose to participate in the Court program instead of having their case proceed in the regular court process.
- Client must agree to attend treatment and/or other services as recommended.
Referral Source: An eligible defendant may enter the SET Program upon approval by the Dallas County District Attorney's Office and the SET Court Staff.
Treatment and Intervention: Metrocare and IPS
Benefits of Participation:
- Services: The staff of the SET Program will help you with case management services, mental health treatment, and, if your treatment plans call for it, substance abuse treatment, indidivual counseling, and supported housing.
- Recognition of progress: As you progress through the phases of the program, your achievements will be publicly recognized by the SET Program Court judge and you will receive a certificate and positive reinforcement to acknowledge your accomplishments.
- Dismissal of your charges: If you successfully complete the program, your criminal charges will be dismissed and expunged from your record.
- Opportunity: The SET Program offers you a chance to lead a meaningful and satifsying life while receiving positive support and continued stabilization.
Average Caseload: 20 - 25 participants
Judge: Lela Lawrence Mays and La'Donna Harlan
Date Started: February 2007
Length of Participation: 12 - 18 months
Target Goals/Participation: Reduce crime and substance abuse by adult offenders through drug treatment and judicial supervision, while promoting educational and vocational participation and improved social functioning.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Resident of Dallas County
- All Felony (deferred or regular)
- ATRS assessment must be completed (preferred) and recommended for treatment in the Judge John C. Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center.
- 6 month Judge John C. Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center completion
- Court ordered (modified or original)
Referral Source: Clients must complete the Judge John C. Creuzot Judicial Treatment Center program.
Treatment and Intervention: JJCCJTC, IPS, Homeward Bound, Nexus, Salvation Army and ATRS
Benefits of Participation:
- Community resources
- Housing
- Substance Abuse Treatment
- Family Reintegration
Average Caseload: 40 participants
Judge: Nancy Kennedy
Date Started: July 1, 2008
Length of Participation: 12 months
Target Goals/Participation: Provide intensive supervision through judicial intervention, innovative case management and treatment to persons deemed high risk/high needs that have also been diagnosed with a co-occurring disorder or substance abuse issue and may have a history of prostitution.
Eligibility Requirements:
- Must be 18 years or older
- Prostitution lifestyle issues do not have to be the current charge.
- Must be court ordered
- No title 5 offenses
Referral Source: Any referral from and Assistant District Attorney, Public Defender, or Private Attorney
Treatment and Intervention: Metrocare, Nexus, and Salvation Army
Benefits of Participation:
- Change of lifestyle
- Learn tools to live with a co-occurring diagnosis
- Contact with mental health provider
- Counseling for life style and substance abuse
- Re-connect with family and build up their self-esteem
Average Caseload: 20 participants not to exceed 45
Judge: Dominique Collins
Date Started: May 1, 2010
Length of Participation: 12 months
Target Goals/Participation: To reduce illegal substance abuse usage and abuse among Veterans by promoting pro-social values, MH/AOD education, and increased functioning in daily living skills.
Eligibility Requirements:
- While in armed services mental, medical defect has a diagnosed service related medical or mental issue or was a victim of military sexual trauma that occurred during service.
- Must be willing to undergo the recommended treatment of the Veterans court team.
- Must be referred by ATRS clinician as meeting the above criteria for service related diagnosis.
- The ATRS clinician must indicate that the service related mental health issue disease or defect contributed in whole or in part to the charged offense.
- Current offense must also be one that a prosecutor would normally consider for probation.
- No felony convictions or deferred adjudication probations. DWI's will be considered.
- Pending felony charges may make the defendant ineligible.
Referral Source: Defense Attorneys
Treatment and Intervention: VA Hospital
Benefits of Participation:
- Improve the quality of life for Veterans who have been diagnosed with service related injuries.
- Improve the quality of life for Veterans who have been diagnosed with service related injuries through stressing personal and community responsibility, self-help and implementing a high structured daily schedule.
Average Caseload: 25 participants not to exceed 50

This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans' Assistance. The Fund for Veterans' Assistance provides grants to organization serving veterans and their families.
Misdemeanor Specialty and Problem Solving Courts
Judge: Audrey Moorehead
Date Started: September 1, 2016
Length of Participation: 12 months
Target Goals/Participation: Provide treatment to clients and promote public safety. Benefits Treatment at an affordable cost; suspension of fines / jail and possible dismissal of pending ODL with fee waived.
Eligibility Requirements: An alcohol-dependent client who has a pending:
- DWI 2nd
- Multiple pending DWI charges.
- DWI charge with a BAC greater than .15.
- A DWI with an accident
Referral Source: Assistant District Attorney's Office
Treatment and Intervention: IPS
Benefits of Participation: One year probation term
- Treatment at an affordable cost
- Fine suspended and probation fee reduced
- CSR suspended, jail time suspended
- Audit Final Report
- Possible dismissal of pending case ODL with fee waived
Average Caseload: 20 participants
Judge: Kristin Wade
Date Started: July 2004
Length of Participation: Minimum of 6 months
Target Goals/Participation: The program is designed to get mentally ill offenders an expedited jail release, encourage participants to stay compliant on medication, and meet their social service needs while dealing with co-occurring substance abuse disorders as necessary.
Eligibility Requirements: An alcohol-dependent client who has a pending:
- Must be NorthSTAR enrolled and/or eligible; indigent
- Priority DX: Schizophrenia, Bipolar or Major Depressive Disorder
- Voluntary participation
- Misdemeanor offenses (felony offenses considered on case by case basis)
Referral Source: Dallas County DA's office; Dallas County PD's office; private attorney
Treatment and Intervention: Dallas Metrocare
Benefits of Participation: MHJDP is a pre-adjudicated program offering a comprehensive, coordinated system of mental health care for offenders with a serious mental illness and ensuring successful clients a case dismissal upon graduation.
Average Caseload: 40 participants
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