File a Complaint

George Allen Sr., Courts Building - 600 Commerce Street, Dallas, TX 75202
Emergency Assistance:  214-653-7000

Texas law requires that all complaints against police officers must be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint. Complaints must be made within 60 days of the incident complained about, except in special cases (such as criminal misconduct or when good cause can be shown by the person making the complaint). Complaints must be made by the person aggrieved (wronged). Other persons may give statements as witnesses.

The Department's goal is to make this process available to all persons who believe they have been aggrieved during an interaction with an employee of the Dallas County Marshals Service. A formal complaint may be made in one of several ways:

  1. A person may come to the Administration Office, Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., on the seventh floor of the George Allen Building. Check-in at the front desk, and ask to speak with a supervisor. A supervisor will come get you and help walk you through the entire process.
  2. A person may speak with any Dallas County Marshals Service personnel and ask to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor will help you initiate the complaint process and provide you with a complaint form to complete.
  3. A person may submit a Citizen's Complaint Form to us:
    • A person may print off a Citizen's Complaint Form available at the link provided below and return it to us in one of four ways:
      • E-Mail:
        Phone: (214) 653-7720
      • Mail it directly to our contact address:
        George Allen Courts Building
        600 Commerce Street, B-15
        Dallas, TX 75202
      • Deliver to any Marshals supervisor at any Dallas County Marshals Service location.
Citizen's Complaint Form - EnglishGet Acrobat
Citizen's Complaint Form - EspanõlGet Acrobat

Racial Profiling Complaints

In 2001, the Texas Legislature passed a law prohibiting "Racial Profiling." Police Officers may not take any enforcement-initiating action based on an individuals race, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on the individual's behavior or on information identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity.

Examples of "Racial Profiling" include but are not limited to:

  • Initiating a traffic stop on a particular vehicle because of the race, ethnicity, or national origin of the driver a vehicle.
  • Stopping or detaining the driver of a vehicle based on the determination that a person of that race, ethnicity, or national origin is unlikely to own or possess that specific make or model.
  • Stopping or detaining an individual based upon the determination that a person of that race, ethnicity, or national origin is unlikely to be in that place or part of town.
  • Stopping a driver when looking for a suspect if the only commonality between the suspect and the driver is their race, ethnicity, or national origin.
  • Singling out an individual for enforcement who is part of a group of individuals exhibiting similar behavior (for example, a group of drivers exceeding the speed limit) because of the individual's race, ethnicity, or national origin.

"Racial Profiling" by officers is strictly prohibited by the Dallas County Marshals Service. Complaints alleging "Racial Profiling" are accepted and investigated in the same manner as other complaints. ​​​