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Legal and Financial Assistance

Legal and Financial Assistance

George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building - 600 Commerce Street, Suite 103, Dallas, TX 75202
Telephone: (214) 653-7307

Legal information obtained from any of the sources provided on this page is not intended to substitute for independent legal analysis by an attorney in private practice. The District Clerk cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information obtained. The District Clerk strongly urges anyone pursuing legal action in a District Court in Dallas County to consult with an attorney of his or her choice. This page provides a link to the Dallas County and State Bar Associations Attorney Referral Service.

Información legal obtenido a partir de cualquiera de las fuentes que aparecen en esta página no pretende sustituir el análisis jurídico independiente por un abogado en práctica privada. El secretario del distrito no puede garantizar la exactitud de la información obtenida. El Secretario del Distrito insta encarecidamente a cualquiera que iniciar una acción legal en un tribunal de distrito del condado de Dallas a consultar con un abogado de su elección. Esta página ofrece un enlace con el Condado de Dallas y Asociaciones de Abogados del Estado Attorney Referral Service.

How to Ask the Court to Waive Court Costs
Find a Lawyer / Elegir a un abogado
Legal Services Referral Directory
Self-Help Legal Forms and Information including divorce and name changes
De auto-auda Formas Jurisdicas y de la Informatión incluyendo el divorcio, cambios de nombre
  • Texas Law Help – Texas Law Help is a project of the Texas Access to JusticeCommission and the Texas Equal Access to Justice Foundation, in partnership with participating legal aid organizations.
  • Texas Law Help en Español – Texas Law Help es un proyecto del Acceso a la Justicia y la Comisión de Acceso Igualitario a la Justicia de Texas Fundación, en colaboración con la participación orgnaizacions de asistencia jurídica.
Texas Young Lawyers Association Legal Information for the Public
Jóvenes de Texas Asociación de Abogados de Información Legal para el público
The TYLA has comprehensive legal information for the public available on their website covering topics such as: Consumer Issues, Employers, Family Law, Immigration, Jury Service, Medical Issues and Senior Citizen issues. TYLA also provides information on domestic violence and keeping your children safe from cyber crimes. Some resources are in Spanish.

El TYLA tiene la información jurídica completa para el público en su página web sobre temas tales como: Asuntos del Consumidor, los empleadores, Derecho de Familia, Inmigración, Servicio de Jurado, los aspectos médicos y las cuestiones de la Tercera Edad. TYLA también proporciona información sobre la violencia doméstica y mantener a sus hijos a salvo de los delitos cibernéticos. Algunos recursos están en español.

Pro Se Divorce Handbook
Manual para tramitar un divorcio Pro Se
The Texas Young Lawyers Association publishes a helpful guide to divorce in Texas for those representing themselves in Family Court. Click on the link below to download a copy. La Asociación de Abogados Jóvenes de Texas publica una guía útil para el divorcio en Texas para las que representan a sí mismos en la Corte de Familia. Haga clic en el enlace de abajo para descargar una copia.
Adult Name Change
Fingerprint cards are required to file name changes and can be obtained for $10 at the Probation Check desk on the first floor of the North Tower of the Lew Sterrett Justice Center at 133 N. Riverfront Blvd., Dallas, TX 75207. Call 214-653-2677 for more information.
Expunction and Removing an Arrest Record
Free or Reduced-Cost Legal Assistance
Gratiuita o de bajo costo ayuda legal
Contact one of these organizations:
Judicial Misconduct:

State Commission on Judicial Conduct
The commission is an independent Texas state agency responsible for investigating allegations of judicial misconduct or judicial disability and for disciplining judges. The website includes a complaint form. The commission DOES NOT handle complaints of "wrong" or unpopular decisions of a judge or sentencing and imposition of fines.

Complaints Against an Attorney:

If your lawyer fails to return calls or emails, neglects your case, refuses to return your file, or commits other violations of the disciplinary rules.

Complaints Against a Court Clerk:

Unprofessional or poor service, failure to file documents appropriately or timely, missing or mis-filed court records and failure to respond to a records request. Court clerks MAY NOT provide you legal advice by law and MAY NOT assist you with the filing of your documents or tell you what to file. It is your responsibility to know the law before you file with the district courts.

To make a complaint, please contact the following via e-mail:

Complaints Against a Court Administrator (Coordinator):

Please contact the presiding judge of the court or the Dallas County District Court Administrator - Lori.Bodino@dallascounty.org.