Records Information Office

Criminal (Felony) Court Records

District Clerk Felony Records Desk

Frank Crowley Courts Building
133 N. Riverfront Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75202

Second Floor between Jury Room and Cashier windows

The District Clerk is the custodian of record for the Felony Courts of Dallas County, and for the Magistrate Court in the Lew Sterrett Justice Center. For records pertaining to Misdemeanor cases, please contact the Dallas County Clerk’s office (214) 653-5767 or (214) 653- 5762 or visit their office on the second floor of the Frank Crowley Courts Building across from the District Clerk’s office.

Criminal Case Information and Documents


You may obtain online information for cases filed in the criminal courts of Dallas County dating back to 1975 including the status of cases currently being heard in the Felony and Misdemeanor Courts. In addition, case record information (documents) for most Felony cases is available for cases filed after 2009.

Please visit the online record search portal by clicking the link below:


For access to case records that are not available online or for any other services such as record certification or record searches, please visit the Felony Records Desk:

Frank Crowley Courts Building
133 N. Riverfront Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75202

Second Floor between Jury Room and Cashier windows

The desk is open from 8:00AM to 4:30PM, Monday through Friday.

You may also call the records desk at 214-653-5950 during regular business hours.

Obtaining Copies of Felony Case Records

The District Clerk makes her criminal records freely available to the public online for most cases filed after 2009. Case records sealed by order of the court or held confidential under Federal or State law are not available online and generally require an order of the court to access. Records containing names of children or sexual assault victims are not available online and if public, typically must be requested in person.

For certified or other copies of criminal records, you may request those either in person at the Felony Records counter at the Crowley courthouse located at:

Frank Crowley Courts Building
133 N. Riverfront Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75202

Second Floor between Jury Room and Cashier windows

For your convenience you may also email your request to:

Please be sure that you attach a Criminal Records Request Form to your email by clicking on the link below:

Payment Options

The District Clerk accepts cash, personal check (in-state bank), money orders or credit card for all services offered by the Civil & Family Records section.


Payment may be made in-person at the District Clerk’s criminal cashier window on the second floor of the Frank Crowley Courts building.

Frank Crowley Courts Building
133 N. Riverfront Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75202

Second Floor between Jury Room and Cashier windows


You may send check or money-order to:

Dallas County District Clerk
Attn: Criminal Records
Frank Crowley Courts Building
133 N. Riverfront Blvd., LB-12
Dallas, Texas 75202


You may pay for your copies online by visiting the payment portal link below:

However, you must contact the District Clerk’s Criminal Records office at to determine the cost of your copies or services prior to making any payment. Pay only the exact amount of the costs you have been instructed to pay. Overages are typically not refundable but will be held in escrow until your next purchase. Shortages may result in a delay in processing your order.