Commissioner Daniel Boards, Committees, and Commissions

Administrative Office: Records Building - 500 Elm Street, Suite 7100, Dallas, TX 75202
Road and Bridge Office: 715 Rowlett Rd, Garland, Texas 75043
Administrative Office: 214-653-6668   Fax: 214-653-7572

Committee NamePosition HeldCommittee DescriptionMeeting Dates
Behavioral Health Leadership Team (BHLT)Co-ChairThe Dallas County Behavioral Health Leadership Team (BHLT) is a broad-based collaborative community initiative whose mission is to enhance the quality of life for all individuals with mental health needs in the greater North Texas region by identifying resource gaps, and leveraging legislative impact to create a responsive behavioral health care delivery system that is easily accessible to all.2nd Thursday of each month - 9:30am
Behavioral Health Leadership Team (BHLT) Housing Work GroupChairThe Dallas County BH Housing Work Group, with diverse representation, will formulate recommendations on the creation of housing and housing related support services designed to safely divert members of special populations in crisis away from frequent utilization of expensive and sometimes unnecessary inpatient stays, emergency department visits and incarceration.4th Wednesday of each month - 10:00am
Civil Service CommissionCo-ChairTo make and enforce rules relating to the selection and classification of employees, promotions, seniority, tenure, lay-offs, dismissals and disciplinary actions and to conduct grievance hearings.3rd Monday of each month - 9:15am
(depending on grievance)
Continuous Improvement Steering Committee (CISC)MemberThe Continuous Improvement Committee helps drive departmental participation, ensures initiatives are resourced, and cheers successes as the Commissioners Court aims to take the organization to a higher level of operation.Monthly
Homeless Advisory CommitteeMemberThe purpose of the Dallas County Homeless Advisory Committee is to advise the Commissioners Court on homeless matters (including not only those that occur within Dallas, but also those that occur within the County’s suburbs) and to assist the County in its efforts to help the Partnership implement the Final Report of the Dallas Commission on Homelessness.3rd Monday of each month - 3:00pm (if the 3rd Monday is a holiday, the meeting is held on the 4th Monday instead – 2:00pm)
IT Executive Governance Committee (ITEGC)ChairThe IT Executive Governance Committee will provide County-wide direction for the provision of information technology services.2nd Tuesday of each month - 9:00am
Jail Population CommitteeMemberTo review and monitor trends in jail population and develop methods to control or manage its impact.1st double digit Friday of each month - 10:00am
Jail Sanitation and Maintenance CommitteeVice-ChairTo review jail conditions, identify obstacles to jail compliance and develop/monitor efforts to remove any obstacles.Every other Monday - 8:00am
Regional Transportation Council (RTC)Member, Immediate Past ChairThe Regional Transportation Council is the independent transportation policy body of the Metropolitan Planning Organization.  The RTC's 44 members include local elected or appointed officials from the metropolitan area and representatives from each of the area's transportation providers.  The RTC oversees the metropolitan transportation planning process.2nd Thursday of each month - 1:00pm

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