Boards, Committees, and Commissions

Records Building - 500 Elm Street, Suite 7000, Dallas, TX 75202
Phone: (214) 653-7949 • Fax: (214) 653-6586

Committee NamePosition HeldCommittee DescriptionMeeting Dates
County Election BoardMemberApproves Presiding Judge and members of the Early Voting Ballot Board and Chair and members of the Early Voting Signature Verification Committee as specified by statute.As needed
Dallas County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)MemberThe Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) carries out those responsibilities required pursuant to Public Law 99-499, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 ("EPCRA") and related regulations.Quarterly
Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition (DRMC)MemberThe DRMC is a transportation advocacy group made up of cities, counties and transportation agencies in a five-county region of north Texas.1st Friday of each month - 11:00am
Elections CommissionChairThe Election Commission meets periodically so that the Elections Administrator may keep the Commission informed on current election matters.As needed
Juvenile BoardMemberTo oversee the operation of the Juvenile Department and carry out specific actions as allowed by statue.Every 4th Monday - 5:00pm
(if the 4th Monday is a holiday, the meeting is held on the 3rd Monday instead - 5:00pm)
I-20 Working GroupMemberThe Working group identifies multimodal needs and prioritizes improvements that facilitate the movement of people and goods from east to west Texas. The I-20 Corridor Study is critical to maintaining both a regional and national transportation system that is safe, efficient, and responsive to future growth.As needed
North Central Texas Council of Governments Executive BoardMemberNCTCOG's Executive Board, composed of 17 locally elected officials, and one ex-officio non-voting member of the legislature, is the policy-making body for all activities undertaken by the Council of Governments, including program activities and decisions, regional plans, and fiscal and budgetary policies.Normally every 4th Thursday of each month - 12:30pm/1:00pm
Public Employee Benefits Cooperative (PEBC)MemberProvides government employees choice, flexibility and value as they strive to manage costs in an era of double-digit health care increases. The PEBC provides many services including joint purchase of employee benefits and cost-effective, centralized administration. Member groups include Dallas County, Tarrant County, the North Texas Tollway Authority, Denton County and Parker County.6 - 8 Times/Year
Public Power Pool Board (P3)MemberPublic Power Pool is a non-profit political subdivision corporation, created by local governments in Texas, designed to save taxpayer money by aggregating power usage to procure the best power contracts at the lowest cost.As needed
Regional Transportation Council (RTC)Member, SecretaryThe Regional Transportation Council is the independent transportation policy body of the Metropolitan Planning Organization. The RTC's 44 members include local elected or appointed officials from the metropolitan area and representatives from each of the area's transportation providers. The RTC oversees the metropolitan transportation planning process.2nd Thursday of each month - 1:00pm