160th Civil District Court
Hon. Aiesha Redmond, Presiding
George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building – 600 Commerce Street, 6th Floor New Tower, Dallas, TX 75202
Court Phone: (214) 653-7271
E-mail: Nicholas.Zaragoza@dallascounty.org
Court Staff:
Court Coordinator: Nicholas Zaragoza - (214) 653-7273
Court Reporter: Brooke Wagner - (214) 653-6938
Chief Clerk: Kellie Juricek – (214) 653-7271
Bailiff: James Harris
Mailing Address:
160th District Court
George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building
600 Commerce Street
Box 640
Dallas, TX 75202
Court Location:
George L. Allen, Sr. Courts Building
600 Commerce Street
6th Floor New Tower
Dallas, TX 75202
Parking Map
Additional Information
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