Effective June 1, 2023, JP 4-1 implemented MANDATORY E-Filing and Electronic Communications policies. Please see home page for this Court’s local rules.
ALL court proceedings will be held in person.

Electronic Filing

File Your Case Online

For your convenience we now offer E-Filing. Use EFILETEXAS to file new cases and add additional documents to existing small claims, eviction or debt claim cases. This service does not provide a step-by-step guide. Documents have to be scanned into the program before filing. It is important to remember that you may incur additional fees. Please remember that a copy of any original petitions will be needed for each named defendant.

If you have any additional questions regarding processing filings in Efile, please contact Efile Texas customer service at 1-855-839-3453.


**Please note the status of some cases may not be available. **

Effective October 31, 2022, Justice of the Peace 4-1 is now accepting electronically filed documents.

You may E-File in two ways:

  1. Guide & File:  Allows filers to simply answer a series of questions to help prepare and file your court forms online.

  2. EFile Texas:  eFiling is a way for you to file and send your documents to the court online, electronically from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Please allow at least 3-5 business days for acceptance and processing of all e-file documents. Some documents may require longer processing time.

Important Information about E-filing with Dallas County Justice Court:

  1. Proposed orders and requests for issuance of citations, writs or notice’s must be a single filing with the cover letter as the lead document.
  2. All documents must be properly electronically signed and must include (1) A “/s/” and name typed in space where signature would otherwise appear or (2) an electronic image or scanned image of signature or a handwritten signature.
  3. Documents must be in text-searchable PDF format on 8.5 x 11 page with content appropriately rotated.
  4. Documents with multiple attachments for a single filing must be combined into a single PDF with bookmarks separating content. This includes exhibits and appendices.
  5. Documents must include the filer’s contact information including an email address in signature block.
  6. Documents may not contain any security or feature restrictions.
  7. All parties to the case should be added with complete address information.
  8. Documents may not contain multiple pleadings in the same document.

Rejection Reasons:

  1. No fee included
  2. Not Legible

For additional reasons your filing may be rejected please click here.

Helpful Requirements for eFiling:

Click here for helpful requirements for eFiling.

E-file Texas Court FAQ's

Click here for frequently asked questions on e-filing in Texas.

E-file Support:

Technical Support: Tyler Technologies. 800-297-5377 or efiling.support@tylertech.com