530 Sub-Committee Meeting

530 Sub-Committee Meeting

The revenue for Fund 530 is generated from the intoxication fees that are added to drug related convictions.  The fees collected are located in two escrow accounts (misdemeanor and felony) in project 200.94088.  The use of these fees is authorized under Article 102.0178 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedures, and is overseen by the Dallas County 530 Sub-Committee and Behavioral Health Steering Committee. 

The 530 committee is a subcommittee of the larger Behavioral Health Steering Committee.  530 Subcommittee meetings began circa October 2014.  Previously the Criminal Justice Department was exclusively managing the 530 funds to support transitional housing with CSCD.  In an effort to increase transparency and adherence to accounting principles, the management of the funds was transferred to a democratic committee.  

The committee’s primary objective is to support certified specialty courts’ adherence to industry best practice standards.  Support comes in both tangible and intangible forms.  The support includes financial, technical assistance, organization, and unity for a common cause. 

The Criminal Justice Department is the architect of the subcommittee.  The Criminal Justice Department performs administrative tasks needed for the subcommittee to accomplish agreed upon goals.  CJ Department employees research and provide information to stakeholders to make informed decisions.  The information includes recommendations on following best practices and Dallas County polices.  CJ Department employees preside over subcommittee meetings and complete tasks related to subcommittee meetings (minutes, meeting documents, and financials).  CJ Department employees prepare all required briefings, budget tracking, securing resources, and payments.  CJ Department employees work closely with other departments and partners to prepare and execute contracts and activity coordination.  The Department maintain records and distributes information related to the 530 subcommittee.

The 530 fund’s resources are utilized to encourage and support certified specialty courts in numerous ways. 

Click here to view the 530 Sub-Committee Voting Representatives