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Detention Services

Dr. Jerome McNeil Jr. Detention Center

Henry Wade Juvenile Justice Center - 2600 Lone Star Drive, Dallas, TX 75212
Phone: (214) 698-2200

   McNeil HallwayMcNeil GymnasiumMcNeil Great Room   

The Dr. Jerome McNeil, Jr. Detention Center is located at the Henry Wade Juvenile Justice Center. Youth who have been detained by law enforcement are processed through the detention center. Processing includes gathering information on the youth’s family, his/her school information, and medical and psychological histories. The information that is gathered, in turn, informs any court and/or judicial decisions made regarding the youth. Medical and dental care is also provided, along with psychological assessment, crisis management assistance, and educational services. For many youths who are processed through the detention center, it is the first time they are in a highly structured residential environment with clear behavioral expectations.


  Detention Hearings

  Visitation Information

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