
Records Building – 500 Elm Street, Suite 5500, Dallas, TX 75202 
Telephone: (214) 653-7431 • Fax: (214) 653-7449

The Purchasing Director reports directly to Commissioners Court and must adhere to the laws as mandated in Texas Local Government Codes 262, 271 and 2254 governing the acquisition of goods and services for Dallas County.  The Purchasing Director serves as the purchasing Agent for Dallas County and may adopt policies and procedures consistent with state statutes.  The Commissioners Court authorizes the award of contracts and approves all competitive purchases.  The Purchasing Agent's authority is derived directly and indirectly from the Texas State Statutes, their interpretation by the Attorney General, directives from Commissioners Court and Court Administration.  It is the responsibility of the Purchasing Agent to perform or supervise the following:

  1. Acquisitions of all goods and services.
  2. Prepare and issue solicitations and insure that the selection process is in compliance with the Texas Local Government Code and County Policies and Procedures
  3. Issue purchase orders for goods and services
  4. Facilitate the process of acquiring professional services not exempted by Commissioner Court order through a competitive process.