Public Notice: Relocation of the Probate Courts and Clerks’ Offices
The Probate Mental Illness courts will remain open during the move at its current location.
Click here to read the full notice.

My HeatheVet

Office Location: 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway, Suite 631, Dallas, TX 75207-2710
Phone: (972) 692-4939  Fax: (214) 819-2880
Office Hours: 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M., Monday - Friday
Closed weekends and on County holidays

MY HealtheVet
Manage Your Health Care

Consider registering/upgrading for the My HealtheVet Premium Account

A Premium account gives My HealtheVet users the highest level of access to My HealtheVet features.

My HealtheVet offers three account types:

  • Basic
  • Advanced
  • Premium

Anyone registering on My HealtheVet starts with a Basic or Advanced account. A Basic account provides access to medical libraries and allows you to enter personal data into journals and other tools to track your health measures.

When you register and select Veteran and VA Patient on the registration form, your profile information is linked to VA/DoD records. When this happens, your account is automatically upgraded to the Advanced level.

An Advanced account offers Veterans and VA Patients a higher level of access than the Basic account to My HealtheVet features including:

For Veterans and VA patients, a Premium account includes all the features of a Basic and Advanced account, plus these services:


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We strongly advise applicants to consult with the County Veterans Services Office prior to submitting all documents to the Department of Veterans Affairs. Assistance is available to all who are shut-in and require help in completing applications and acquiring supporting documents. This may help to reduce delays in receiving benefits or preventing the denial of benefits.