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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Dallas County Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates and Information

Today's Risk Level

C19 Risk Level - Proceed Cautiously - EN

This CDC guidance describes what activities may be safely resumed by fully vaccinated persons. It also indicates that additional precautions are recommended in areas of high or substantial spread, especially of the highly infectious Omicron variant such as is occurring in North Texas.

Nivel Actual de Riesgo

C19 Risk Level - Proceed Cautiously - SP

Esta guía de los CDC describe qué actividades pueden reanudar de manera segura las personas completamente vacunadas. También indica que se recomiendan precauciones adicionales en áreas de propagación alta o sustancial, especialmente de la cepa Omicron altamente infecciosa, como ocurre en el norte de Texas.



COVID-19 Cases

*Staring March 8th 2024 DSHS has removed COVID-19 as a reportable condition, thus COVID-19 reporting of positive and negative cases are no longer required by practitioners and facilities to be reported to Public Health Agencies in Texas. DCHHS is encouraging local providers to voluntarily continue to report electronically if they have the capability. This change will impact the number of COVID-19 reports DCHHS receives and result in additional underreporting.



Updates on COVID-19 Vaccination and Infections

The term “herd immunity” describes a situation where a high enough percentage of the population is immune to an infection that the infectious organism can no longer circulate and continue infecting people. The population percentage at which herd immunity is reached increases with the infectiousness of the infecting organism. Early in the Covid-19 pandemic, the degree of infectiousness of the initial virus suggested that herd immunity might be reached when 70%-90% of the population are immune, either from vaccination or infection. However, as viruses spread throughout a population, they can change over time to produce variants. As the 50% more infectious Alpha variant has taken over, herd immunity requires a higher percentage of immunity, and as the even more highly infectious Delta variant completely takes over, the percentage will be even higher. Above all, we will know when we have reached the point of herd immunity when new Covid-19 cases are no longer appearing.

PCCI has been taking into account every variant, all data to date, or the duration the immunity lasts. The impact of the Delta variant has NOT yet been factored into the PCCI herd immunity models and new and reliable scientific studies in major scientific journals (Nature, NEJM, and others) have just started to come out with new important evidence that will affect these estimates. It is becoming evident that the Delta variant is changing the game significantly. It’s doing it in two ways:

  1. By being much more infectious - every COVID infected person can transmit to 5 or 8 people (called the reproductive number and symbolized as R0 5-8) as opposed to the Alpha variant which transmits to 3 to 5 people (R0 3-5), the Delta variant is about 60% more infectious than the original SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID virus) was. Because of this we will need to have a much higher bar for immunity.
  2. The most recent research is shedding new light on the amount of true protection individuals have, from COVID-19 infection, to include the new strains – like Delta. Being vaccinated with two doses of one of the mRNA vaccine offers the strongest protection. Having only one dose of a vaccine is still protective, but to a lesser degree than having received both shots. Lastly, we are seeing that unvaccinated individuals have no meaningful protection and even those who had a previous COVID-19 infection (natural immunity) are only weakly protected, against the newer variants. This will inevitably affect that way that we look at previously infected individuals, and what amount of effective natural immunity they are realistically carrying against the Delta strain, not to mention strains to come. Moving forward for public health estimates we will weigh heavily the effectiveness of both vaccines (mRNA [two doses] and J&J [single dose]) and report separately the percent of individuals who have been vaccinated as well as our COVID case counts.


Fair Park Dashboard

The Dallas County Covid-19 Vaccine Administration Report provides information on the Covid-19 vaccinations tracked within the Quickscreen application by Luminare. The data provided within the report is updated twice daily.




We are calling on Dallas County to help us stop of spread of COVID-19. You can be part of the #NorthTXDoesItRight campaign by following the safety guidelines created by our trusted group of doctors and city leaders. Do your part by following the Dallas County Health Guidance for the Public – outlined below – to keep yourself, your family and our community safe from COVID-19.

Check out our Facebook page to see our friends at the Dallas Stars, Dallas Mavs and the Dallas Zoo showing us how they stay safe by wearing their masks. Now it is your turn! Share a photo showing how you are following the DCHHS COVID-19 safety guidelines on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using #NTXDoesItRight in your caption. By working together and reopening the right way, we can save lives and stop the spread of COVID-19.



Case Totals

Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) is continuing to update and upgrade the data collection system. Cumulative case counts are being updated and will be reported at a later time. 

Numbers are updated daily.
Note: Does not include positive results from persons who reside out-of-state or outside of Dallas County.

Residents are asked to help prevent spread of the virus by practicing non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) such as social distancing (avoiding close contact with other people, especially those who are sick), covering coughs and sneezes, and hand hygiene. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. If you are sick, stay home.

Current travel advisories can be viewed at the U.S. Department of State and CDC. The CDC recommends that travelers defer all cruise travel worldwide.



Case Summary Information

With the exception of the Summary Table of Cases, the below are only periodically updated.
For weekday updates please visit the PCCI site here.

Dallas County Summary of Cases by City Distribution
Click here to view the most recent summary.

Dallas County Summary of Cases by Ethnic Distribution
Click here to view the most recent summary.

Dallas County HHS Summary Data
Click here to view the latest data.
(DCHHS updates this page weekly on Fridays)



Dallas County Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Zip Code
Click here to view and download the Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Zip Code map shown below.
Click here to view an interactive version of the Zip Code Map, updated daily.

HHS COVID-19 Zip Code Map


MyPCI App Badge Artwork

Register to Get Your Personal Risk Score!

This is exclusive for Dallas County. MyPCI is free to register and use. It is a secure, cloud-based tool that doesn’t require personal health information and doesn’t track an individual’s mobile phone data. Instead, it is a sophisticated machine learning algorithm, geomapping and hot-spotting technology that uses daily updated data from the Department of Public Health on confirmed positive COVID-19 cases and the population density in a given neighborhood. Based on density and distances to those nearby who are infected, the MyPCI App generates a dynamic personal risk score.

We all know that proximity matters and it’s even more important now than ever while we work hard to get people vaccinated. We’re very excited to put this information in the hands of Dallas county citizens so they have contextual awareness of what’s happening around them and serve as a reminder of the things they can control: social distancing, face covering and hand hygiene.

Follow these steps to register and use - it's free!

  1. Visit https://mypci.pccinnovation.org/home
  2. Click "Register Now!"
  3. When prompted, use this Organization ID: DCHHS-62ta7b
  4. Complete and submit the additional registration information
  5. Log into your account to track your risk


Know Your Risk: Common Activities

Click here to view the guidance.



Guidance for Individuals at High-Risk

High-Risk Individuals Are People That Meet Any One of the Following Criteria:

  • 65 years of age or older
  • Live in a nursing home or long-term care facility
  • Have an underlying medical condition:
    • Lung disease including moderate to severe asthma and COPD
    • Serious heart conditions and hypertension<
    • Immunocompromised (including cancer treatment, smoking, bone marrow or organ transplants, immune deficiencies, poorly controlled HIV or AIDS, and prolonged use of corticosteroids and other immune weakening medications)
    • Are obese
    • Have diabetes
    • Have chronic kidney disease or are undergoing dialysis
    • Have liver disease

Click here to read the full guide.

Orientación para personas en alto riesgo

Personas De Alto Riesgo Son Personas Que Cumplen Cualquiera De Los Siguientes Criterios:

  • 65 años o más
  • Vive en un hogar de ancianos o en un centro de atención a largo plazo,
  • Personas de todas las edades con una afección médica subyacente:
    • enfermedad pulmonar que incluye asma moderada a severa y EPOC
    • condiciones cardíacas graves e hipertensión
    • inmunocomprometidos (incluido el tratamiento del cáncer, tabaquismo, trasplantes de médula ósea u órganos, deficiencias inmunes, VIH o SIDA mal controlados y uso prolongado de corticosteroides y otros medicamentos para el debilitamiento inmunitario)
    • obesidad
    • diabetes
    • enfermedad renal crónica sometida a diálisis
    • enfermedad del hígado

Haga clic aquí para leer la guía completa.



Latest Order from Judge Jenkins

Rescission of County Judge Clay Jenkins Covid-19 Health and Safety Order Regarding Long-Term Care Facilities Issued August 4, 2020

Effective as of 12:00 p.m. on March 8, 2022.

Click here to view the full order.

Supplemental Order on Continuing Requirements After Expiration of Stay Home, Stay Safe

Effective as of 11:59 p.m. on August 4, 2020.

Click here to view the full order.

Enmendado: Orden complementaria sobre los requisitos continuos después de la expiración de Stay Home, Stay Safe

Fecha de vigencia a las 11:59 p.m. el 4 de agosto de 2020.

Haga clic aquí para leer el pedido complementario completo.

Supplemental Order on Requirements for Food Processing Plants After Expiration of Stay Home, Stay Safe

Effective as of 11:59 p.m. on August 4, 2020.

Click here to view the full order.

Click here to view all COVID-19 related orders issued by Judge Jenkins