Access Control and Network Cameras

Access Control and Network Cameras

Frank Crowley Courts Building - 133 N. Riverfront Boulevard, Suite 9A-500, Dallas, TX 75207
Phone: (214) 653-6776


Contacts and Location:
Todd Fancher - Primary contact for Access Control and Cameras
Facilities Management
133 North Riverfront BLVD. 9th Floor
Dallas, TX 75208
214-653-7934 (office)
972-824-6102 (cell)

Greg Gray, Facilities Director
133 North Riverfront BLVD. 9th Floor
Dallas, TX 75208

214-653-6719 (office)
469.426.1539 (cell)

To request a new or additional camera OR if your camera is not working, please submit a work order request to:

Please include all of the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Contact number
  • Building name
  • Department name, court #, etc.
  • Floor #
  • Room #
  • Provide a detailed description of your request


Contact and Location:
Reyna Ipiña
Facilities Management
133 North Riverfront BLVD. 9th Floor
Dallas, TX 75208
214-653-7935 (office)

Badging Locations and Hours of Operation:

George L. Allen Sr. Courts Building:
133 North Riverfront BLVD. 9th Floor
Dallas, TX 75208
Office Hours:  8:00 am to 3:30 pm (Tuesday through Friday)

Badging Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What if my access card stops working?
A: Contact the badging office at 214-653-7935 or e-mail:

Q: What if I lose my ID or access card?
A: Immediately contact your supervisor and let them know that you’ve lost your ID/Access cards. The Manager should contact the badging office to have the access disabled. The Department Head or the designated assigned person’s signature is required before replacement will be issued. There is a replacement fee of $10 for ID or Access card. For special combined ID and Access card the replacement fee is $15.

Q: How do I acquire a badge for a contractor?
A: The requesting department will need to file out the Contractor Badge Request Form - here. The contractor will need bring the completed form along with a valid form of picture ID - Drivers License or State Issued ID - to the badging office.

Q: How do I acquire a badge for a new hire?
A: Forms are passed out at New Hire Orientation. If an organization wants to make arrangements to have the access card setup and given to the new hire they will need to fill out and e-mail the New Hire Access Request Form - here, to the badging office. This needs to be emailed prior to the new employee’s scheduled orientation date.

Q: What if door / swipe is not working?
A: Please submit all work order request to:

Please include all of the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Contact number
  • Building name
  • Department name, court #, etc.
  • Floor #
  • Room #
  • Provide a detailed description of your request