Filming at Dallas County

Filming at Dallas County

George Allen Sr., Courts Building - 600 Commerce Street, 9th Floor, Dallas, TX 75202
Phone: (214) 653-7839

There are no longer Jail Cell's available to film throughout Dallas County.

Old Red Courthouse is under construction - no filming.

Dallas County is a fun, friendly, secured filming location. Dallas County has had a filming presence in the industry for over 20+ years. If you are interested in filming at Dallas County, please email the following information to

  1. Name of Filming Company
  2. Date of Filming request
  3. Brief description of plot

Location Agreement Forms:

Dallas County Filming - Location Agreement
Dallas County Filming - Location Agreement for Non-Profits - certificate must be provided for this agreement.

Room Rental Information:

Dallas County courtrooms are not available for filming at FCCB or George Allen or Super court-Merrill Hartman.

Training rooms, jury rooms, exterior, interior hallways are available to film.

B-ROLL Filming;

B Roll Exterior Filming is allowed and does not require any Commissioners Court approval. All public exterior filming is allowed.

B Roll Interior Filming requires Commissioners Court approval (10-business days). Complete the filming request (profit or non-profit) and email all details, permits etc. to

Drone Filming;

Drone approval is on a case by case. Please contact the Dallas Film Commission (City of Dallas) for permitting. Once you have received permission/permit for the City of Dallas, email Dallas County the permit to move forward with Dallas County approval process.