Fiscal Services and Capital Improvement

About Us - Fiscal Services and Capital Improvement

Frank Crowley Courts Building - 133 N. Riverfront Boulevard, Suite 9A-500, Dallas, TX 75207
Phone: (214) 653-6776

Fiscal Services Division was established as a central point within Facilities Management that adheres to Strategic Plan Goal 2: Promote Leadership, Sound Governance, and Fiscal Responsibility. FSD is responsible for the processing of all system requisitions, invoicing, special projects, major capital improvement and permanent improvement to support all of Dallas County Facilities. Fiscal Services works with our departmental partners to provide customer support to our internal and external customers.

The Capital Improvement Program managed through Facilities is geared toward utilization as a departmental resource and fiscal management tool in coordinating capital improvements over a multi-year period. Capital improvements refer to major expenditures, usually non-recurring in nature, to a physical asset, such as land, buildings, public infrastructure and other equipment. The Capital Improvement Program aligns itself with 3 Goals: Enhanced Capital Planning, Continual Communication with facility members and officials and the development of prudent financial practices.

Goal 2:  Practice Sound Governance and Fiscal Accountability
Team Leaders: Fiscal Services Manager/Contracts Manager
Strategy 2.0:  Efficiency in fiscal management processes
Action 2.0.1:  Continue partnering with budget, auditors, and purchasing (emergency and level 1 statues) improve procurement practices
Action 2.0.2:  Continue creating electronic efficiencies for departmental procurement practices 
Action 2.0.3:  Move towards electronic efficiencies for departmental procurement practices 
Action 2.0.4:  Continue to effectively utilize our req/rmr portals
Action 2.0.5:  Continue training personnel to ensure efficiencies and budget control
Strategy 2.2:  Fiscal accountability
Action 2.2.1: Continue to ensure Facilities follows purchasing procedures
Action 2.2.2: Ensure that supervisors are following purchasing processes (SBE, Bids, JOC)
Action 2.2.3: Weekly reporting to upper management of accounts balances for 126, 1021 & 1022
Action 2.2.4: Semi-annual budget balance review and procurement for following budget year
Action 2.2.5: Train facilities staff on I-procurement procedures throughout the year; FSM will train new employees for I-procurement-PO Inquiry