Texas Vaccines for Children Program

Phone: (214) 819-2163 or (214) 819-2176 - please call to schedule an appointment.


Clients eligible to receive (TVFC) immunizations at Dallas County Health and Human Services are:

  • Medicaid eligible
  • Uninsured: A child who has no health insurance coverage
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native
  • Enrolled in CHIP
  • Underinsured*

*A child who has commercial (private) health insurance, but coverage does not include vaccines; a child whose insurance covers only selected vaccines (TVFC-eligible for non-covered vaccines only).

Meningococcal vaccine information:

For Meningococcal vaccine requirements for entering college students, click here. 

Pertussis information:

Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory disease caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis and transmitted from person to person by coughing, sneezing or close contact. The most effective way to prevent pertussis is by vaccinating with DTaP for infants and children, and with Tdap for preteens, teens and adults.

Download Pertussis information:

Immunization educational materials:


All medical information is kept confidential in accordance with HIPPA regulations. 



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