Legal Services in Probate and Guardianship Matters

Court personnel cannot give legal advice to people involved in probate and guardianship matters.  The agencies and organizations listed below are available to help citizens and may be able to help with probate and guardianship matters.  MINIMAL FEES apply in some instances.

Agency/OrganizationService DescriptionAddressTelephone
Legal Aid Society of Northwest TexasFor qualified low-income people1515 Main Street
Dallas, Texas 75201
(214) 748-1234
Legal Aid Pro Se AssistanceLegal advice only; Income limits applyGeorge L. Allen, Sr., Courts Building
600 Commerce Street
5th Floor, Suite 575
Dallas, Texas 75202
(214) 653-6102
Dallas Volunteer Attorney Program (“DVAP”)For qualified low-income people1515 Main Street
Dallas, Texas 75201
(214) 748-1234
SMU Legal ClinicsIncome-based services for Dallas
County residents
3315 Daniel Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75205
(214) 768-2562
UNT College of Law
Community Lawyering Center

(Two Locations)
For qualified low-income peopleDowntown at City Walk
511 N. Akard Street
Suite 102
Dallas, Texas 75201
(214) 855-7892
Frazier Revitalization
4716 Elsie Faye Heggins Street
Dallas, Texas 75210
(469) 351-0024
(469) 351-0025
Dallas Bar Association Lawyer Referral ServiceReferrals to private attorneys, $20 fee for a 30 minute consultation2101 Ross Avenue
Dallas, Texas 75201
(214) 220-7444
Dallas County Law LibraryBooks and legal resourcesGeorge L. Allen, Sr., Courts Building
600 Commerce Street
Suite #B40 (Basement)

Dallas, Texas 75202
(214) 653-7481