Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)

Dallas County Health and Human Services - 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75207
Telephone: 214-819-1968  |  E-mail:  EHAP_DCHHS@dallascounty.org

ERAP – Closure of Application Intake Notice (Effective July 13, 2023)

As of July 13, 2023, Dallas County has closed the application for emergency rent, mortgage and utility assistance.  We will contact individuals who have already applied and continue to process applications until all funding has been obligated.  If you have recently received an email from the EHAP about processing your application or if you have questions, feel free to contact Customer Support at 214-819-1968 or email EHAP_DCHHS@dallascounty.org.

Programa de asistencia de emergencia para alquiler ERAP): Aviso de cierre de admisión de solicitudes (vigente a partir del 13 de julio de 2023)

A partir del 13 de julio de 2023, el condado de Dallas cerró la solicitud de asistencia de emergencia para el alquiler, la hipoteca y los servicios públicos.  Nos pondremos en contacto con las personas que ya hayan presentado solicitudes y continuaremos procesando las solicitudes hasta que se hayan comprometido todos los fondos.  Si recientemente recibió un correo electrónico de EHAP sobre el procesamiento de su solicitud o si tiene preguntas, no dude en comunicarse con Atención al Cliente al 214-819-1968 o envíe un correo electrónico a EHAP_DCHHS@dallascounty.org.

EHAP Home is Where the Heart Is

Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP 1 & 2)
Funded Through: The U.S. Department of the Treasury

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP 1) provides rental and utility assistance and related arrears to income-eligible households impacted by COVID-19 and help them recover economically from the impact of the pandemic. Funded by the Department of the Treasury (DOT) through the H.R. 133, Division N, Title V, Subtitle A, Section 501 of the Consolidated Appropriation Act, 2021, the program can pay up to twelve months of an eligible household’s rent and utilities including rental and utilities arrears.  The statute allows landlord and property owners to apply on behalf of their tenants after due consent. 

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP 2) provides rental, utility assistance, related arrears, and more to income-eligible households directly/indirectly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and help them recover economically from the impact of the pandemic. Funded by the Department of the Treasury (DOT) through Section 3201 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Section 3201), the program can pay up to twelve months of an eligible household’s rent and utilities including rental and utilities arrears. The statute allows landlord and property owners to apply on behalf of their tenants.

Please note submission of a pre-screening application does not guarantee eligibility or an offer of assistance.



Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to view in English



Eligibility Requirements


  1. Assistance for rent no older than March 13, 2020
  2. Rent for the household assisted may not exceed 120% of FMR/SAFMR 
  3. Must have a bank account and accept direct deposit
  4. Units that are already receiving project-based assistance or are public housing units are INELIGIBLE
  5. Units that are owned by a unit of government may be ineligible


  1. Household income below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI)* - see chart below
  2. Household has been financially affected by COVID-19 pandemic
  3. Applicant must reside in Dallas County but outside the City of Dallas (verified by zip code)
  4. Applicants in federally assisted programs may receive assistance for the portion that is the tenant's responsibility.  Assistance or any portion of assistance may not be duplicative of an other federal assistance. 

* Tenant/Household Area Median Income (AMI) Chart

FY 2021
Income Limit Area
Family Income
FY 2021
Income Limit Category
1 person2 person3 person4 person5 person6 person7 person8 person
Dallas, TX HUD
Metro FMR Area
$89,000Low (80%) Income
Limits ($)

Please note applicants who qualify will be required to provide income documentation to support their claim. Please see below for the list of required documentation.



Required Documentation


  1. IRS W-9
  2. Copy of the executed lease with the tenant or if no written lease, required certification proving tenancy
  3. Documentation of missed payments (ledger, self-attestation, etc.)
  4. Landlord form and certification completed (optional)


  1. Personal ID
  2. Copy of the executed lease or if no written lease, required certification proving tenancy
  3. Income [at the time of application]: household's total annual income OR household's monthly income OR evidence of eligibility  under other qualified programs** 
  4. Tenant application completed
  5. Tenant certification completed

**You are considered income eligible if you can provide evidence that you are currently receiving assistance under SNAP, SSI or Medicaid.



Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) & Housing Navigators (HN)

The Eviction Diversion Program (EDP) is a special program/court process that allows courts to place eviction lawsuits on hold and divert eviction proceedings. Under the EDP, payments are provided to landlords for rental arrears in exchange for allowing tenants to remain in their homes and forgiving late fees.  

Housing Navigators (HN) will be stationed in the respective Justice of the Peace (JP) courts to work closely with the respective JP courts, tenant eviction cases as well as the respective property owners and managers towards resolving the eviction cases through the Dallas County’s EDP. The HN will also work to promote housing opportunities by linking individuals and families facing eviction to property owners and managers.

Click here to view the Housing Navigator placement chart in English
Click here to view the Housing Navigator placement map in English  

Programa de prevención de desalojo (EDP) y Navegadores de vivienda (HN)

El Programa de prevención de desalojo (EDP) es un programa/proceso judicial especial que permite a los tribunales suspender las demandas de desalojo y eludir los procedimientos de desalojo. Bajo el EDP, se proporcionan pagos a los arrendadores por los atrasos en el alquiler a cambio de permitir que los inquilinos permanezcan en sus hogares y condonar los cargos por mora.

Los Navegadores de Vivienda (HN) estarán situados en los respectivos Juzgados de Paz (JP) para trabajar en estrecha colaboración con los JP correspondientes, los casos de desalojo de inquilinos y los respectivos propietarios y administradores para resolver los casos de desalojo a través del EDP del condado de Dallas. El HN también trabajará para promover oportunidades de vivienda enlazando a las personas y familias que enfrentan desalojo con los propietarios y administradores de las propiedades.

Haga clic aquí para ver el gráfico de asignación de Housing Navigator en español
Haga clic aquí parpara ver el mapa de asignación de Housing Navigator en español



Know Someone Who May Qualify?

Click here to view in English

Conoces a alguien que puede calificar?

Haga clic aquí para ver en español



See Below for Additional Resources

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Ver abajo para obtener recursos adicionales

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