Facilities Management

    Welcome to Facilities Management!

    Frank Crowley Courts Building - 133 N. Riverfront Boulevard, Suite 9A-500, Dallas, TX 75207
    Phone: (214) 653-6776

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    Facilities, Engineering and Project Management is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the County's 6.7 million square feet of facilities. We strive to effectively, efficiently, and expeditiously provide support to all Dallas County Departments while maintaining the County's physical assets in a manner consistent with the County's Strategic Plan.

    Facilities Management processes over 200,000 work orders annually with a staff of 164 people including technicians, administration, and management. Of these, 119 are maintenance personnel (50 of which work rotating shifts).

    We are also responsible for minor construction projects and janitorial contract oversight.

    Technicians are staffed 24/7 performing scheduled maintenance and affording emergency services as needed.

    Mission Statement:

    Provide high-quality maintenance and support services for all Dallas County facilities while delivering an exceptional customer experience.

    Core Values:

    Serves as a compass for our actions as we fulfill the department’s mission and vision - I.C.A.R.E.



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    House Bill 3693 Reports
    2023 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon
    2022 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon
    2021 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon
    2020 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon
    2019 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon
    2018 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon
    2017 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon
    2016 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon
    2015 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon
    2014 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon
    2013 Annual kWh Consumption and Total Expendituresacrobat icon